How LinuxPlay Remote Desktop Works


LinuxPlay uses FFmpeg for capturing, encoding and streaming video/audio via UDP multicast. A TCP handshake negotiates encoder/decoder modes and handles password authentication. The client decodes the stream using PyAV and displays it with a PyQt5 GUI, while mouse/keyboard inputs and clipboard data are synchronized using xdotool and xclip.

Note: LinuxPlay is a toy project designed for beginners who want to learn advanced remote desktop streaming concepts. If you're comfortable with the terminal, you can copy and paste the commands below to run LinuxPlay directly, no need to use the GUI launcher (

1. Capturing the Screen

The host captures the screen using FFmpeg's x11grab input at the specified resolution and framerate.

ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size 1920x1080 -i :0

2. Encoding the Video Stream

Captured frames are encoded with either software encoders (like libx264, libx265, or libaom-av1) or hardware-accelerated encoders (such as NVIDIA NVENC or VAAPI).

ffmpeg -c:v h264_nvenc -b:v 8M -preset llhq -f mpegts udp://

3. Negotiation & Authentication

A TCP handshake on port 7001 ensures both the host and client agree on the encoder type and if used, verifies the password.

# Client sends:

# Host replies:

4. Transmitting the Video and Audio Streams

The encoded video is sent via UDP multicast (, while audio captured from PulseAudio is streamed on port 6001.

# Video stream:
ffmpeg ... -f mpegts udp://

# Audio stream:
ffmpeg -f pulse -i default.monitor -c:a libopus -b:a 128k -f mpegts udp://

5. Decoding on the Client

The client decodes the UDP stream using PyAV (which binds to FFmpeg) and uses hardware decoding (NVIDIA NVDEC or VAAPI) if available."udp://@", options={"hwaccel": "h264_nvdec"})

6. Rendering the Video

Decoded frames are converted into images and rendered in a PyQt5 GUI, ensuring smooth playback.

7. Sending Input Events

User input (mouse/keyboard) on the client is sent as UDP control messages (port 7000) to the host, which uses xdotool to simulate these events.

# Example control message:
MOUSE_MOVE 400 300

# Executed on host:
xdotool mousemove 400 300

8. Clipboard Sharing

Clipboard content is synchronized between host and client via UDP multicast (port 7002) using xclip on the host and the clipboard API in PyQt5 on the client.

xclip -o -selection clipboard

9. User Interface and Adaptive Bitrate

A GUI launcher (written in PyQt5) allows configuration of host/client options such as encoder/decoder, resolution, framerate, bitrate, audio, password, and adaptive bitrate management.


Advanced Users & Tinkerers: If you're comfortable with the terminal, you can copy and paste the commands below to run LinuxPlay directly, no need to use the GUI launcher ( This toy project is designed for beginners who want to explore advanced remote desktop streaming concepts. Experiment, learn and have fun!

Live Demo

Host Configuration

python3 --encoder none --resolution 1920x1080 --framerate 30 --bitrate 8M --audio enable --display :0

Client Configuration

python3 --decoder none --host_ip --remote_resolution 1920x1080 --audio enable